Itineray 2025


In Loving Memory
Chicchan 1954-2022

Thursday June 12  - Arrival
We meet at London Heathrow Airport at 1pm for transport in our private mini-bus to our self contained accommodation in the heart of Wiltshire. OR you can make your own way to the closest railway station for a pick-up after 3pm. During our first afternoon we will settle into our accommodation, get to know each other and prepare for our special adventure together. 

Friday June 13 - Stonehenge. Anchoring the Divine Feminine, Sunset Ceremony
As the sun sets over Stonehenge we join together in our ceremony of transformation and healing, within the sacred circle of Stonehenge. Our group has one hour private access into the inner stone circle of the world's most famous sacred site. In this ceremony we will focus on letting go of the old, reclaiming our power and past life skills, Acknowledging the Divine Masculine and calling in the Divine Feminine connecting with the Earth Matrix, of which Stonehenge is part.

You will be standing amongst the huge megaliths which have stood in magnificent isolation on Salisbury plain for thousands of years. Feeling the powerful earth energy currents which connect to the planetary matrix, you will experience our own unique ceremony, meditating within the sacred stone circle. There will be time for photographs after the ceremony.








Saturday June 14 - Wells Cathedral and Market
First thing in the morning we will explore the delights of the ancient city of Wells on a market day. This splendid mediaeval city is one of England’s best-kept secrets. The open air market is held in the marketplace, as it has for over a thousand years.

Built on an ancient pre-Christian sacred site, the cathedral was established in 705 AD. The magnificent 800 year-old Gothic Cathedral occupies the central position in this, England’s smallest city. Next to the cathedral is the Bishop’s Palace complete with its moat, drawbridge and beautiful swans. You may walk the oldest intact medieval street in Europe which is still used to house the young cathedral choristers.

We may be able to access the optional high places walk whilst visiting the Cathedral.


Sunday June 15 - Tintagel, Merlin’sCave and St Nectan’s Glen
In this long day trip we drive down to glorious Cornwall where we will wander through the magical fairy woods of St. Nectan’s Glen with its waterfall and kieve (initiation bowl). The walk follows the woodland stream via a Celtic chapel and holy well, to arrive at its famous waterfall shrine where, on a previous visit, we encountered and photographed many mysterious orbs.
We then stroll through the village of Tintagel, with its cafes and curiosity shops, up to castle ruins of Tintagel which is set on an island peninsula amid the rugged Cornish coastline.
The castle is the legendary birthplace of King Arthur and is dramatically located on top of a promontory by the sea which is accessed by a footbridge. At low tide, we will descend the castle cliffs to the beach below, entering Merlin’s Cave, an extraordinary portal to the Otherworld. Tintagel High Street also has cafes and gift shops.

Monday June 16 - Avebury, Silbury Hill and surrounds
Avebury is a village which sits right in the middle of a unique megalithic ritual landscape of giant stone circles and avenues. It is the largest stone circle in the world which has an imposing bank and ditch, with inner stone circles. We will wander among them at leisure and attune to their energies. 

A short way from the great stone circle lies the mysterious pyramid-shaped Silbury Hill, the largest artificial structure in Europe associated with ancient harvest rituals. We may also visit the chambered mound of West Kennet Long Barrow, an ancient underground chamber with powerful acoustics. 




Tuesday June 17 - Glastonbury Tor, Gog and Magog, Chalice Well - Chalice Well. Openning to the Divine Feminine, Sunset Ceremony

We will climb Glastonbury Tor, topped by St Michael's Tower, the centre point of the ancient Isle of Avalon and a beacon of spirituality. From here you can see for miles all over the ‘Summerlands.’ 

We then take a cross country hike to Gog and Magog, two ancient Druid trees, the last remnants of an avenue that lead to the Tor. The energy that these ancient trees still hold today is profound.

There will also be free time to explore Glastonbury’s many unusual shops and cafes, you may visit the beautiful stillness of the Magdalene Chapel or Glastonbury Abbey, burial place of the legendary King Arthur and Lady Gweneviere. The Abbey is also home of the holy thorn, scion of the one planted by Joseph of Arimathea in AD37.

Chalice Well Divine Feminine Ceremony
We conclude this day in Glastonbury with our own private time at the Chalice Well (6pm) for meditation and ceremony when we visit the beautiful and tranquil gardens. Considered by many to be the holiest well in England, it is one of the true healing places in Britain. Many believe the Holy Grail is buried there within the wellhead. The Michael and Mary ley lines cross within the Well grounds and we will each stand at their convergence during our ceremony.

Raym will lead us in a heart opening ceremony in which we will celebrate these most potent of waters, both the white and red, focussing on the energies of the Divine Feminine, unconditional love and the waters of life.





Wednesday June 18 - Explore recently created Crop Circles
We will head out into the wilds of the British countryside, exploring thatched villages in search of recently created crop circles


Thursday June 19 - A visit to the ancient Roman City of Bath

Bath is built around hot thermal springs which were revered in Pagan times and later enclosed by the Romans into their bath houses and temples. You may take a tour of the Ancient Roman baths and museum or personally experience the modern baths at the Thermae Bath Spa (recommended), an optional choice during your free time in Bath. Book your spa time or treatment early and bring your bathers!

You will be free to explore the elegant streets with their 18th century architecture, leafy Victorian parks and fine shops or have lunch at one of the many fine restaurants or in one of Bath’s eclectic cafes, at your own discretion. We will meet for high tea in the famous pump room which has been operating continuously as a meeting place for over 200 years.






Friday June 20 - Solstice Ceremony, Midday
Our midday Solstice ceremony in a Sacred place will focus on Divine Union, connection to All There Is and Oneness via the cosmic matrix, followed by integration, rest, relaxation and celebration!






Saturday June 21  - Departure
Pack up and depart by 10am, returning to Heathrow airport by 1pm

This nine day itinerary is flexible, due to the unpredictable nature of crop circle formations, which we will visit as they occur.

Sacred Ceremonies
We will create three ceremonies on our tour; inside Stonehenge, at the Chalice Well wellhead and in a  recent Crop Circle or ancient sacred place. We will arrive with ideas for the group and welcome your input.

You may wish to bring a special crystal to carry or wear during the ceremonies, we are happy to advise you. Crystal Dreaming® practitioners should contact Raym for advice on kits and crystals prior to departure.

Because of its distance from the equator, UK summer days are long with sunrise at around 4.30 am and sunset around 9.30 pm. All planned days are subject to last minute change due to unpredictable nature of crop circle appearances. We will be based in one location and will travel from there each day in our own private minibus.

The tour price includes all transfers, accommodation, breakfasts and evening vegetarian meals prepared by the group, in our own accommodation. Lunches may be prepared and carried by each individual from our supplies, snacks are carried on our tour bus. This is a small self contained tour group of up to thirteen people, spaces are limited and the tour fills quickly.

Things you will need to bring
The weather in the UK can be unpredictable. Temperatures may average around 20-25C (66-77F) during the day and it can become cool in the evenings. Being an Island next to cold ocean currents it can also be unpredictably wet, so please carry a lightweight waterproof at all times. We also recommend comfortable walking shoes or hiking boots as crop circles are not always easy to access. St Nectan’s Glen is accessed by a winding muddy track and Silbury hill is steep and the track is narrow, uneven and exposed. We advise a reasonable level of fitness as we will be walking, sometimes for long periods, up hills and through rugged terrain to access circles. We advise you carry local, Pounds Sterling currency, rather than Euros.

We suggest you carry in your personal daypack or shoulder bag the following items: A reusable water bottle (full of water), lunch box (with goodies), sunscreen, sunhat, waterproofs, warm lightweight jacket or vest, insect repellant, camera, small bright torch, fruit and nuts. Bring your bathers for the City of Bath excursion, the new spa is recommended.

Early Bird Investment before October 1 $4,900Au

The maximum number of tour participants is 13

Please use the contact form below now to express interest in my 2025 tour.